Products in the electronics and semiconductor industry are mostly mass-market products that are produced fully and automatically in large numbers. Many parts, such as SMD components, are very small and need to be labeled with a lot of information. For this purpose small, complex 2D Data Matrix codes are used, which must be permanent and easily legible. Due to these requirements, the electronics industry has already made laser marking a standard procedure. Galvo laser systems allow for a trouble-free, quick, fully or semi-automated labeling process.
Materials suitable for laser engraving
- Plastics: Laser marking by means of foaming or color change
- Metals: Marking by means of annealing
Application examples in the electronics industry
Electronic components and PCB boards are marked with permanent, solder resistant and easy-to-read laser markings. These labels serve as identification for traceability, internal quality assurance or trademark protection. Another application in the electronics industry is laser cutting of flame retardant electrical insulating foils that act as a separator between electronic components and printed circuit boards. In prototype construction, the CO₂ laser offers advantages over conventional methods, such as punching.
- PCB boards
- Electronic components
- Housings
- Cutting of insulation films
- Circuit breakers and much more